Mary K. Aleckson PLCC

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Resources to help parents foster strong leadership skills in kids


Image via Pexels

Resources to Help Parents Foster Strong Leadership Skills in Kids

Confidence isn't something people are necessarily born with. For most, it's a skill that's learned over time. As a parent, you can give your children a head start by instilling confidence and leadership skills in them at a young age. With the right nurturing, any child can become a leader. The below resources can help.


Teach Kids the Practical Skills Needed to Lead


Make sure your children have these traits.



Create Plenty of Opportunities to Practice Leadership Abilities


Give kids regular chances to exercise their leadership skills.



Set a Good Example by Showcasing Your Own Leadership Skills


Try these techniques to put your leadership and confidence on display.


  • Pursue your dreams to inspire your kids to pursue theirs. For example, if you aren't happy in your career, take a look at online degrees that can open opportunities.

  • Set a good example in your private life, too, by taking care of yourself.

  • If you or your kids are struggling, don't be afraid to seek support. A family or second life coach like Mary K. Aleckson PLCC can help.

  • Lead by example. Try best practices like living with humility and continually learning.


Leadership skills can help people thrive personally and professionally. Giving your children the confidence they need to lead at a young age will benefit them in the future. The above resources can help.